Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What kind of landscaping equipment do you need to have around the house?

Everyone’s home could use a little landscaping and if you want to do some landscaping you are going to need to have the proper landscaping equipment around in order to do it. There are a few integral pieces of landscaping equipment that you simply cannot do without. There are other pieces of equipment that are great to have but not absolutely necessary. And some of the landscaping equipment can be quite expensive. If you are going to be doing something that is not one of your regular landscaping jobs then you might want to consider renting some of your landscaping equipment rather than spending too much money to buy it.

Some of the popular kinds of landscaping equipment that many people have without even realizing that is what it is are things like fertilizer spreaders and other applicators. These are not thought of as landscaping equipment sometimes but that is in fact exactly what they are. Do you have this kind of landscaping equipment? DO you use it? If you do not use these applicators you should start. By using these kinds of things you can make your yard so much prettier and healthier. Your lawn will be lush and full and you will not suffer from the weeds that plague you any more.

If you are planning on doing a lot of work on your yard you are going to need to get yourself some irrigations tools. This is especially important when you are going to be planting some new plants or trees. You need to have all of your living shrubbery and flowers getting the right amount of water at all times. In order to get this system working right you might also want to invest in some landscaping equipment like timers and sprinklers. This way you know that your yard is getting watered when it needs it even when you are not home. This is especially great for when you leave town and in the simmer when you are under strict orders about how much water can be used each week.

Landscaping equipment is important to any job, if you want to make your yard as great as you can then you need to get the best landscaping equipment. You can find everything that you need for any job online. The internet is hands down the best place to shop for any of your landscaping equipment needs.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The key to landscaping design

If you want to incorporate only the best landscaping design then you need to start thinking along the lines of unity. This is key to your landscaping design success and it will need to be applied to your entire yard, all around your home. Your entire properly will need to have a similar feel and look, if you have this your home will have a balanced look of symmetry and this will add all kinds of beauty to your home.

You can create a wonderful sense of unity to your landscaping design in a few different ways. The most common way of bringing harmony to your landscaping design is with similar types of plants and trees. This is easy to do and it will look fantastic. There is another way to get unity to be a basic part of your landscaping design and this is with heights. By having even different plants and trees of the same or similar height you will be bringing the whole design of your yard together like you never knew you could. It will look wonderful and it will be so easy!

Your landscaping design should make use of much more than just plants and trees. Flowers look great but they generally only bloom for part of the year so you need to find some other landscaping design elements that will look perfect all year round. To do this you will want to look at landscaping stones and rocks, or even wood chips just to name a couple of things. You can even use granite and marble in your landscaping design. You can have nice little stepping stones, some statues or displays in your landscaping design or you can just have pretty rocks.

A theme can go a long way towards making your landscaping design gorgeous. If you love butterflies or hummingbirds then choose plants and flowers that will attract them to your yard and garden. This is a glorious way to showcase your design and you will always have something pretty to look at. You can talk to those at your local plant store about which type of plants and flowers will work best for this where you live.

In the end your landscaping design needs to be balanced and whole looking. You can do anything you want with your landscaping design, you can design it yourself or you can use a landscaping design that you have seen in real or in a book. No matter what you decide to do, as long as there is unity your landscaping design will look perfect.
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Friday, November 23, 2012

Choosing the right landscaping contractor for the job

It is vitally important that you do your best to choose the perfect landscaping contractor to work on your yard or project. You cannot afford to choose randomly from the Yellow Pages when looking for a good landscaping contractor because with this method you have no way of actually knowing if they are any good at all. And you need your landscaping contractor to be good, very good.

You can talk to the landscaping contractors that you see in the phone book but do not choose one before you have talked to them and seen some of what the landscaping contractor can do for you. You may be able to get them to actually take you to some of their previous projects, this is the best way to see what they can do for your yard. There are other ways of course such as pictures. You can have them show you a portfolio of their past work as well. This too is a good way to help you make your final decision as to which landscaping contractor to choose.

This landscaping contractor will be the one to come up with the design of your entire yard perhaps in the front and the back yards. You want your landscaping contractor needs to be creative and full to brimming with all kinds of fantastic ideas. So when you have your meeting with the landscaping contractor, have them come over to your home. He or she, or the whole team should come over and go over your yard with you. They should also give you some top ideas for how they can transform your yard into a wonderland of awe.

There are many ways in which the landscaping contractor can do this. They can use slopes and hills or they can use color and texture. The landscaping contractor that you choose will have their own ways of doing tings and making an impression, you just need to make sure that this impression will be one that you want to make as well. You do not want to get stuck with a yard that look like crap do you? That is why you need to see some samples of what this landscaping contractor can do for you.
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Monday, November 19, 2012

Choose the landscaping company that will do the best work for you

In this day of the information age it has never been easier to find out what you need to know in order to hire the right landscaping company for the job. No matter if your job is a small one of a large one you still need to make sure that the landscaping company that you choose is reliable and trustworthy and that they actually know what they are doing.

You should start by finding out how long this landscaping company has been in business, the longer the better. If they have been in business for 20 some odd years then there is a much better chance that they are good at what they do. Of course there are exceptions to this rule but it is a pretty good rule of thumb. If they were so bad they would probably not have been able to stay working for so many years.

Your checking up should not end there however. You still need to find out just how well run a landscaping company they are. Look at it this way: most landscaping companies are small business and they only have a few people working there. The owners have to do the bulk of the work on their own. That is why they are not always as reliable as they should be. Like other contractors they have a lot on their plate and they can at times get overwhelmed and not show up for a job when they were supposed to. While I do not excuse it I can understand it. They have a lot of people demanding certain things from them. The owners of the landscaping company will generally have to do all of the free estimates themselves, take the appointments, get to the appointments, do the books and then do the actual landscaping company work. Wow, that is enough tot run anyone into the ground.

That is why you should find out how many clients a potential landscaping company has at the time you ate going to hire them. If they sound as if they will be too busy then you might want to choose another landscaping company, one that will have the time that you need. You need to choose a landscaping company that will be dedicated to the work that you are getting done, you are paying for a service and you deserve for it to be as good as it can be.
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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Low maintenance landscaping Chicago

If you live in the Chicago area and you are interested in getting some landscaping, Chicago native plants are your best choices. If you choose native plants you will find that your garden or yard will be much easier to take care of as time wears on. At first working in the yard may not seem like a big deal but you may get sick of it when the bloom wears off the rose, no pun intended. This is normal, we start to take our yards for granted and it is not so much fun to work on the landscaping Chicago anymore.

You can even use these native plants to solve your drainage problems. Chicago, for instance has many problems when it comes to drainage. They get a lot of different weather there and it affects the gardens more than you might think. When you are landscaping, Chicago weather needs to be taken into consideration at all times. Talk to your landscaper about what plants will be best for your yard. Don’t skimp with your landscaping, Chicago residents will know you did it and that is never cool. Take your time and find the perfect plants to suit you and your goals. And mention to the landscaper if you notice that you have any drainage problems and perhaps he will be able to suggest some good landscaping Chicago native plants to use. Just make sure that you see a picture of any plant before you agree to use it. Who knows what you might get otherwise. Everyone’s tastes are different and yours may be the polar opposite from the landscapers.

When trying to choose the right plants for landscaping Chicago take a look around you. What kids of plants do your neighbors have? Which ones do you like and which do you despise? Show the landscaper that you choose what you are interested in seeing if your own landscaping. Chicago landscapers tend to be very flexible and open to ideas. This is your yard after all and you and your family are the ones who have to live with it forever.

When looking into landscaping, Chicago perennials may be the way to go. This way you will not have to plant new flowers and plants each and every year. That is a lot of maintenance and most people with landscaping, Chicago residents anyway, do not have the time for this kind of thing.
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Is home landscaping different than other landscaping?

home landscaping is no different than any other kind of landscaping. It is natural for people to want their home to look as fab as it possibly can, who does not want the kind of yard that the whole neighborhood is envious of? And he beauty of home landscaping is that it does not have to be hard and much of it can be done by you. All it will take a it a little elbow grease and some time to spare and you can design your own home landscaping design quickly and easily.

There are even products on the market that will help you to find the best home landscaping idea out there. You can choose to use home landscaping software for one. These programs can be a great help to you as you are trying to figure out what will suit your home and yard the best. With these types of programs you will get to see a few different layouts and options are always good when trying to narrow down your choices.

If home landscaping software programs are not for you, then you can try doing a search online for some wonderful home landscaping ideas. The internet is full of great sites that you can use to get everything done the right way. It is important to do plenty of research before you start your own home landscaping so that you keep the number of mistakes made down to a minimum. If you do make a boo-boo, don’t worry about it, any thing can be fixed.

Before you start your home landscaping you will need to also look into any gas lines and electrical lines that may be running through your yard. This is very important if you are planning to be doing a lot of digging. You cannot afford to hit any of these things, not only can it cost you a bundle to fix, it can also be very dangerous. Hitting an electrical line with a metal shovel could put an end to all of your work, your life too.

You will also need to find out about zoning restrictions that could affect your home landscaping. In some places you cannot have trees too high and even some fences are not allowed. Find out these kinds of things before you start your home landscaping work and you could save a lot of time and money.
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Layering garden landscaping

Could your home do with a little more garden landscaping? Probably so, and that is a good thing. In fact you should be very excited about it because there is nothing more fun than garden landscaping, it will get your imagination working overtime and you will have a ball planting and rearranging your plants and flowers.

By layering your garden landscaping beds you will be able to add a whole other level of beauty to your landscaping design. Your yard is the first thing that people will see when they come to your house and giving a grand tour that includes a fabulous garden is always fun and exciting. You will be the talk of the neighborhood, and for all the right reasons this time, when you do some really good garden landscaping.

Layering your garden landscaping design is easy to do. You need to know the flowers that you are going to plant first however. The choices that you make as far as the flowers and other plants will affect just how your garden landscaping is laid out. For example you do not want to have the taller plants in front of the shorter ones. This is obvious but you should still make a rough sketch of where you want things laud out for your garden landscaping before you begin. This will help you to keep thins as simple as possible. Your garden landscaping will go a lot faster this way and you will run into fewer problems as you go.

When layering you should have about three layers. Your back row should face north, if it can, and the back row should have the tallest plants and as the rows descend so should the heights of the plants and flowers. The trick of this kind of garden landscaping is that oftentimes the plants we buy are baby plants. So you will need to talk to those working at your local gardening store about how large the plants will grow to be. This is key to successful garden landscaping. If the front or middle row of your garden landscaping design is going to grow much higher than the last row, then you will have to do some rearranging.

The layering affect of your garden landscaping design will add depth and make your garden much more interesting to look at. This is what will make your garden landscaping a success.
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Monday, November 5, 2012

Easy front yard landscaping

Having a low maintenance front yard is the goal of many people. You can get easy to manage front yard landscaping done by any of the professional landscapers in your area or you can do it yourself. Either way you can have front yard landscaping done that will take minimal work to keep looking fantastic all year round. If you are going to get a professional in to do your front yard landscaping though, be sure to tell him that this is your over all goal, that you want to have a yard that will not take a lot of work to keep up.

If you have less grass in your front yard landscaping then you will cut out a lot of maintenance time right there. Mowing the lawn can take up a lot of time and energy so keeping the grass to a minimum is a great way to save on work. Talk to the front yard landscaping expert about alternative that you can use to keep your yard look good with little lawn area.

Some people choose to use clover instead of grass. Using a clover lawn in your front yard landscaping is a good idea because it will save you money and time. You will not have to mow it very often at all and a clover lawn is even good for front yard landscaping in area that is prone to droughts. They do well virtually everywhere. And best of all for those who want to get out there and enjoy their front yard landscaping, bugs hate clover.

Watering the yard can be a big hassle as well. That is why many people incorporate automatic irrigation systems into their front yard landscaping designs these days. This can save you tons of time and money. This is one of the easiest ways for you to keep your yard looking healthy and well watered during the hotter months of the year. No more hooking up the sprinkler or having to drag out the hose. You can get a professional to install one of these systems for your front yard landscaping design quickly and easily or you can get a kit and do it yourself. I would recommend getting in a professional however, unless you have experience with this kind of thing. If you were to cause a leak then you could face some flooding and rotting and neither of these is going to do anything for your front yard landscaping, do you know what I mean?

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Backyard landscaping is about many different things

Your backyard landscaping is going to have to be about many different things but the most important one of these if your well being. Most people get into backyard landscaping because they want to change the look and feel of their home, they want to make it a wonderful place where their family can feel safe and comfortable at all times. Backyard landscaping is a great way to add some more peace to your life whether you are alone or you have a large family and tons of kids. You will be able to create a sanctuary with your backyard landscaping that you have never had before in your life.

Backyard landscaping does not have to be drastic or hard. You can do your own backyard landscaping or you can hire a contractor to do it all for you. The choice is yours but doing it yourself can be a lot of work, especially if you do not have any experience in this type of thing. There are all kinds of things that you will need to learn about before you start doing your own backyard landscaping. You will have to take a crash course in landscaping and this course will be jammed packed with all kinds of info that you never even knew was out there. You may be able to save some money on the work if you do your won backyard landscaping but if you screw things up too badly you may end up paying even more to get everything fixed.

If you want to get some backyard landscaping done you should only do it yourself if it is going to be a simple and straightforward job. If you need irrigation things dealt with and planes and elevations leave it to the professionals that do it for a living. These things may be over your head entirely. You need to watch out how you go about your backyard landscaping or you could end up with quite a mess on your hands.

There are a couple of great places for you to learn some more about backyard landscaping such as the local public library and the internet. You can get many backyard landscaping books out of the library and these will help you to make the best decisions as to your landscaping needs. You can also get many do it yourself tips online.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

concrete landscaping can add so much to your yard

To hear the word concrete you may not think that it would be something to want in your yard but in fact, concrete landscaping has come along way in the last 10 years or so. Now concrete landscaping is all the rage and it is very pretty too.

You can use concrete landscaping for many different parts of your yard. Most people use concrete landscaping ideas and designs for the walkways and paths that wind through their gardens. This is more for those with larger yards but even if your yard is small it could do with some concrete landscaping. You could put down a lively patio that you and your friends could it at to have drinks or tea. There is nothing more fun than a little party out on the patio on a nice day.

Stone walls are another form of concrete landscaping that has really caught on like wildfire. Walls are what will frame the whole home. They are the gorgeous and steely frame to the glorious painting that is your front and back yard. There are many other reasons to have concrete landscaping such as walls as well. These walls are perfect for keeping your pet in the yard. If you have a dog that is prone to run away then look into this kind of concrete landscaping. These walls are also very good for keeping intruders out. The harder your home is to get into the less likely burglars will be to bother trying. So look into this type of concrete landscaping today and talk to a professional about it.

You can also use concrete landscaping to keep your soil in place. If there is a part of your yard that is prone to slipping then you can build a retention wall expressly for this purpose. The best thing about concrete landscaping is that while it can be functional you can make it look as if it is just there for looks. There is so much that you can do with concrete landscaping because concrete is so easy to work with. You can use concrete landscaping bricks or you can use whole solid slabs. You can even get custom made concrete landscaping stones that are in unique and creative shapes and patters. Take some time and see what all is out there in terms of concrete landscaping, you might just be surprised.
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

A wonderful backyard landscaping idea

A good backyard landscaping idea is one that everyone can make use of. There are many different backyard landscaping ideas and most of them are pretty good but to find the one that is right for you and that is just what your yard needs may take some reading. This article will help you to find the perfect backyard landscaping idea for your home.

A good backyard landscaping idea is to use evergreens. The use of these fabulous trees will do o much for any yard. They will add a stately nature to the feel of your home while keeping it welcoming and warm. Many people like to use deciduous trees in the yard and this is always a good idea but it is the evergreens that will give the yard the structure and the stability that it needs for a good backyard landscaping idea and design.

You need to look for a backyard landscaping idea like the one above that will benefit you all year round. Deciduous trees will not be gorgeous in all seasons, most perhaps, but not all. Evergreens on the other hand are always fantastic and they look as beautiful in the winter as they do in the summer and this is why they make for such a great backyard landscaping idea. The key to any great landscaping design is to find a backyard landscaping idea like this that will keep your yard interesting no matter what time of the year it is.

Another good backyard landscaping idea is to use hardscape. This is the use of things like rocks, fences and walls. These can make your yard look very interesting during all of the seasons. You can have climbing plants on it in the summer and spring and pretty trees around it that will look great in the winter. When looking for a good backyard landscaping idea you need to look for other options besides just plants. There is much more to landscaping than just plants and trees.

Walls and fences can frame your property beautifully and using them is such a great backyard landscaping idea because they will just accent all of your other wonderful backyard landscaping ideas. They will frame your yard as a picture frame frames a gorgeous painting. Look at this kind of backyard landscaping idea as well in your search for the one.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Planning for desert landscaping

If you live in a dry and arid climate then your desert landscaping is going to take a little more planning than some other parts of the country. desert landscaping will have to work with a plan that includes only plants and trees that can survive with much less water than some other plants. There is no point in planting something if it can not sustain itself afterwards. So take some time with your desert landscaping plan and make sure that you have done everything suited to the climate.

You could spend the money to get better irrigation put in but the money will be great and the time will be all consuming. It is much simpler for your desert landscaping plan to just include plants that will thrive even in the hot sun all day.

What makes using desert landscaping friendly plants so great is that not only will these plants do well even in the hot sun they will also be able to thrive in poor quality soil. This is a much needed quality because places that have so much sun tend to have poor soil as well. So in essence you are killing two birds with one stone as they say.

Here are some wonderful plants that you can use in your desert landscaping:

Longwood Blue bluebeard
This is a shrub, it is deciduous and it will grow back each and every spring. It will always come back healthy and happy and this makes it perfect for desert landscaping. It is not a tiny shrub, it will grow to be anywhere between 3 and 4 feet high with a width of about 2 feet. This is a lovely plant to use in your desert landscaping as it is not only beautiful with its pretty blue flower clusters and silver foliage, it is also very fragrant.

Autumn Joy
This is a wonderful perennial that you can plant for your desert landscaping. With this choice you will have great leaves in pretty whorls. These leaves can be any number of different colors and can be bought to go with any desert landscaping design. This plant is the ultimate for desert landscaping because it can grow in rock gardens with ease. This lovely desert landscaping plant also has a unique and interesting flower unlike any other I have ever seen. These small flowers grow in clusters and they can be a few different colors and shades. The most common are yellow, orange and red and pink. If you plant these in your garden you will have butterflies around all of the time and they make for lovely entertainment on their own.
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Friday, September 21, 2012

How To Hire The Right Landscaper For Yard

landscaping Photo
You must learn a few things about your projects before you start them. Neglecting to prepare beforehand can lead you into possible trouble, so read on for some tips that can make your landscaping project a breeze.
Do not overlook the impact certain kinds of landscaping could have on your home and yard. If you don’t use caution you may plant things that interfere with your pipes underground or maybe a bush that blocks your view when you try to turn out of your driveway. Consider these items with care before you purchase and add them to your landscaping project.
To give your landscaping a new fresh look, re-edge your rock or flower beds with curves that are soft. Curved beds are all the rage these days, while right angles are considered boring and passe. Cutting a crisp edge is inexpensive, and it will make your landscape look manicured.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to pay a landscaper or designer to do your landscaping projects. This just ends in your spending a lot of money. You may want to ask them for advice, and pay them for the service, but doing the work yourself will save you a lot of money.
Prior to landscaping your yard, be sure you know where your property ends and where your neighbor’s begins. This is even more important if there is no fence between you and your neighbors. It won’t do you any good to plant on your neighbor’s property and you may inadvertently create quite a rift. A property deed will contain all of the information that you need about your property’s boundaries.
There’s much more to landscaping then simply planting some grass and trees. Add substance and texture by using cement, wood or iron elements. Pergolas, birdbaths, archways and decks add beauty and make a yard look more interesting. Know your budget beforehand, and you will still likely be surprised by the options available to you.
It is very hard to landscape every part of your home at one time. Instead, divide the project into several phases. This will be less overwhelming and easier to afford. If you run into a problem or realize you need to make changes, it will be a lot easier for you to tweak your plans.
As with home renovation, landscaping benefits greatly from a little basic information. Learn as much as possible and use it to build sketches and plans which can help you create a beautiful landscape.
Get more useful tips and tricks about How To Hire The Right Landscaper For Your Yard at landscaping company in Carlsbad.
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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Gardening And Landscaping The Benefits Of Landscape Design Software

Many a person who is interested in crafting and creating a lovely lawn and garden spends a great deal of time scratching his or her head trying to figure out exactly how to get started on the landscaping process.
Perhaps you find yourself in such a position at this point in time. Perhaps you have decided that you want to better and beautify your yard but you do not exactly know how to get started. In this regard, if you are like most people you do not have unlimited funds to invest into gardening and landscaping.
Consequently, you may not feel as if you are in a position to hire a professional landscape consultant or garden expert. In short, you may feel rather adrift on a what might be coined a sea of bare dirt. One tried and true solution that you might want to seriously consider when it comes to gardening and landscaping is the utilization of landscape design software. Indeed, in the 21st century, an ever growing number of men and women who are interested in creating lovely garden spots are relying on landscape design software programs to further their efforts.
Many a gardener wrongly assumes that typical landscape design software programs are out of their reach for two reasons. These people assume that these software programs will be too expensive. Additionally, these people conclude that a landscape design software program will be complicated and difficult to utilize.
Of course, there are a number of high end landscape design software programs that are designed for garden and landscape professionals. It is true that these types of programs can require a significant financial investment and it is likewise accurate to note that some of these programs can be quite complicated in their operation. However, in recent years, a new generation of landscape design software has been created with the typical consumer in mind.
As a result, there are now a number of different, reliable landscape software programs on the market today that are both economical and easy to use. These programs allow a person with only rudimentary computer skills to be able to design truly attractive and appealing landscaping schemes.
There are a number of different outlets through which a consumer can purchase user-friendly, economical landscape design software programs. Of course, the Internet is a natural resource for such software (as it has become for so many items and services in the 21st century). Additionally, an ever increasing number of garden supply shops and stores in the brick and mortar world have taken to adding tried and tested landscape design software to their stocks and inventories. Indeed, many of these merchants offer classes and training in the use of landscape design software for their customers and patrons.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Landscape garden

Landscape garden

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image of Landscape gerden
Sofiyivsky Park in Ukraine goes back to 1796.
The term landscape garden is often used to describe the English garden design style characteristic of the eighteenth century, that swept the Continent replacing the formal Renaissance garden and Garden à la française models. The work of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown is particularly influential.
The term was not however used to any great extent during the eighteenth century. Its period of popularity was the nineteenth century at which time the classical style of serpentine curves and clumps had become unfashionable. In the twentieth century, the term 'landscape gardener' began to be used by garden contractors.
The term English garden or English park is used in many languages to refer to the style of informal landscape gardening which was popular in the United Kingdom from the mid 18th century to the early 19th century, and is particularly associated with Capability Brown. An example is the Englischer Garten or "English Garden", in Munich, Germany. The term is not used in this sense in English (except when discussing foreign language usage).

See also

A long view from a hill with a lake stretching into the distance, beyond which rises another hill with a small white building on it. Trees and lawn border the lake.
The main axis of Painshill Park in Surrey stretches from the Gothic Temple (in the distance) to the Turkish Tent (behind the viewer).
  • English garden
  • French landscape garden
  • Landscape design history
  • Landscape gardens topics
  • List of landscape parks of Poland

image Landscape gerden
The English Grounds of Wörlitz were one of the largest English parks in 18th-century Europe.


  • Laird, Mark (1999). "The flowering of the landscape garden: English pleasure grounds, 1720-1800". University of Pennsylvania Press. The Flowering of the Landscape Garden. Retrieved March 16, 2012. ISBN 081223457X
  • Francis, Mark; Reimann, Andreas (1999). "The California landscape garden: ecology, culture, and design". University of California Press. The California Landscape Garden . Retrieved March 16, 2012.ISBN 0520214501

External links

  • Photos of Pechersk Landscape Park in Kiev, Ukraine. (English)
  • Photos of Sofiyivsky Park in Uman City, Ukraine. (English)
  • [1]Landscaping
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Home and Garden Ideas for a Great Landscape Design

Home and Garden Ideas for a Great Landscape Design It can be difficult to complete any project without a frim plan in place. and that certainly holds true when it commes to landscaping. It is important to have a design in place before turning over the first shovel full of dirt or planting the first tree or shrub. Designing the landscape ahead of time will help you visualize the finished product more easily, and that will in turn make it much easier to turn those dreams of a great landscape and lawn into a reality.

  There are a number of ways to design a great landscape, from hand drawing to 3D rendering using sophisticated landscape design software programs, No matter how you create your proposed landscape design, it is important to plan it all out carefully, and to take note of the various products and supplies you will need to create the landscape of your dreams.

  As your are planning your brand new landscape, it is important to make sure that the colors you choose work well with one onther, and that no one color overwhelms one part of the landscape. It is a good idea to think carefully about how the various colors of trees, shrubs, bushes and flowers will look after everythink is in full bloom.

  Another important factor to consider when it comes to designing your landscape and your garden is to make it practical and easy to work with. while it is important to create a beautiful garden, it is just as important to create a garden that is a joy to work in. It is important to keep your family in mind as well, and to allow plenty of space for family gathernings and other backyard activities.
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Landscape Gardening Ideas

Landscape Gardening Ideas
It takes greater than somewhat creativeness, creativity and skill to dream up and create the perfect landscaped garden. What kind of things must you be fascinated with as you plot and plan the structure of your new backyard or perhaps a revamped old one? Planning is of course the important thing, particularly in the event you intend to have multiple features. Utilising and maximising your house is crucial when landscaping your garden.
1. Water Options – Not all gardens will be able to accommodate a water characteristic and certainly not all gardens will swimsuit such a thing, but there is no such thing as a doubt that water options such as fountains and pools are very popular.
2. Timber – You may be fortunate sufficient to have current trees in the backyard and be capable to make use of them in your undertaking, in any other case, some new timber can create small wooded areas or enhance pathways and even convey shade to some areas of the garden, permitting these crops that love shade to flourish.
3. Footpaths/Paving – Footpaths will be paved or maybe be a little extra natural with both a unfastened stone finish or even wooden shavings. If your garden is large enough, pathways weaving by way of timber and shrubs can produce a fascinating or adventurous result.
4. Ponds – Maybe technically another water feature, ponds make an ideal addition to any backyard, not only for the landscaping impact but in addition for the wildlife they will attract.
5. Rockeries – Typically, however not at all times used along side ponds, rockeries will help produce a more natural and rugged look for your garden and also help to provide elevation you probably have a very flat section of ground.
6. Seats/Benches – Once more, very a lot depending on out there space, but seats aren’t solely a really sensible thing to have in the backyard however also can help to create a “look”. Perhaps you are striving for a country cottage feel; a strategically placed, ornate wooden bench could really help.
7. Arches – Arches and pathways can really help create that secret backyard feel and arches are also great for climbing plants. Sure types of roses will look wonderful as they engulf your effectively positioned arch in vibrant colour.
8. Patios – Maybe probably the most obvious in the checklist, a great patio space will be appropriate for a mess of functions.
9. Gates – You do not have to have a boundary to have a gate. Again, offering a rustic cottage really feel, a gate or a style for that matter can separate two sections of your backyard that have a really completely different feel.
10. Eating Areas/Barbeques – Maybe certainly one of your paved areas could be used as your eating or barbeque area. If the sun shines, you might even feel like you might be in California!

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